Gadget appears on Wedding Day

Wedding day is an important day in the life of a woman. It was the beginning of a new phase of life sbeuah. And of course, all the women on this earth has the same desire on their wedding day. Want to look beautiful and perfect.

However, in preparing a wedding keseibukan sometimes make prospective bride fearful and tense. Quite often, feel a sense of stress. This of course would interfere with their appearance.

However, no need to worry. There are four steps that can be done by a bride to look beautiful and sexy on her wedding day. Consider the following tips as quoted from TimesofIndia:

1. Drinking enough

Drinking water at least 8 to 12 glasses each day. It is highly recommended. Water helps in reducing body fat, maintain muscle tone and the physiological system well hydrated, improve digestion and also maintain a healthy glow without the skin dirty and dark circles under the eyes.

Also add some juice and fruits in your diet. Tomato juice is considered good for the skin. Avoid alcohol for several weeks before the wedding.

2. Consumption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats

Eating is also one that you should look before the wedding day. Try mengosumsi healthy food and fresh fruits and green vegetables, protein and fiber rich foods. Increase your protein intake if you exercise the optimal level and also includes adequate levels of carbohydrates in your diet.

It is important to remember each meal you should pay attention to nutrition is to maintain a healthy and light on your skin. If you are hungry, of course, even the best makeup will not help your face look beautiful as a bride.

3. Avoid Stress

Stress that occurs due to prepare the wedding plans and other tasks not only makes the body tired but will also disturb your mind. And of course this will look on the face.

Make sure you get enough sleep at least 8 hours each night. This will help to refresh your body and mind.

Exercise routine is very important for the bride to look beautiful in those happy days. Try to take a breath and all will be fine.

4. Skin Care

Keeping skin clean is a must. Especially before the wedding. Try to be diligent in cleaning the skin and regular use of moisturizers. Use products that are already tested and matched in the skin. Since this is not the time to experiment with new products. Because it can be fatal consequences and adverse effects on the skin.

Do ekfoliasi least twice a week as it removes dead cells and make skin fresh.

Perform routine not only for the face but also arms and legs back skin that also require attention. Discuss the makeup and hair styling you beforehand so you can look perfect on the day of 'H'.

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